India Export Import Data | Export Import Database

India has export and import links with all the regions of the world.
Region and sub-region wise direction of  India's exports and imports during April-February 1997-98. During April-February 1998-99, Asia and Oceania accounted for 35.6 per cent of India's total exports, followed by West Europe (28.1 per cent), America (25.4 per cent), Africa (6.3 per cent) and East Europe (3.1 per cent). During the year Asia and Oceania were the largest suppliers of goods.


Exports have shown a positive growth trend and a diversification of product country mix over the years. Commodities whose exports are increasing over the last few years include plantations, marine products, sports goodsgems and jewellerychemical  and allied products,
engineering goods, textiles and handicrafts.

India is a world-leading agricultural producer and food and beverage processor. Its agri food exports have tripled (in nominal terms) during the past decade to reach US$7.5 billion by 2004, despite having a domestic population to feed of more than one billion. KeyAgri Food Export  items are rice (US$1.5 billion in 2004), frozen shrimps & prawns (US$735m),soybean cake (US$0.53 billion), shelledcashew nuts (US$0.52 billion), and tea (US$373m) (see Table 6). India's largest exports generally come from the categories of fish and seafood, grains, tea and spices, and vegetables, fruit and nuts.


Imports are affected to meet the essential requirements of domestic consumption, investment and production. Bulk imports  as a group registered a growth of 0.2 per cent during the current year and accounted for 31.5 per cent of the total imports. This group includes fertilizers, newsprint, petrol and petroleum products, edible oil, etc. The other principal imports consist of pearls, precious and semi-precious stones, machinery, project goods,
and pharmaceutical products, organic and inorganic chemicals, coal, coke and briquettes, artificial resins, etc.

Despite relatively high import tariffs in many categories, India's agricultural food imports have quadrupled (in nominal terms) during the past decade, to reach US$4.3 billion by 2004. Edible oils have accounted for the major share of this import growth: despite very high import tariffs, the category of fixed vegetable oils and fats increased from US$103 million in 1991 to US$2.4 billion by 2004 - mainly consisting of palm oil and soybean oil. The second largest category of import growth has been vegetables, fruit and nuts, which reached US$1.08 billion by 2004. Other categories showing steady growth are livestock feed (US$79m in 2004), beverages (US$47m), and fish and seafood (US$14m). Some categories, for example grains and sugars, tend to vary considerably from year to year.

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